Party Doctrine (Society is Temple – People are Gods)

Politics is to serve:
True politics is selfless service to society is the basic theory of Telugu Desam Party founder Mr. Nandamuri Taraka Rama Rao (Anna NTR). NTR said that he got inspiration from Lord Buddha’s saying “Sangham Saranam Gachchami” and gave the slogan “Society is temple – people are gods” to Telugu Desam Party.
By the time NTR founded Telugu Desam Party, many political parties were working in the country with different ideologies. At such a time, NTR said, “I am neither a socialist, nor a communist, nor a capitalist… I am a humanist.” That means humanity is the real foundation of Telugu Desam Party politics.
Poverty Alleviation:
“True freedom for the country is when the poor can be empowered” is NTR’s concept. The laboring brothers who are starving in the sun, drying in the sun, soaking in the rain and shedding blood… the farmers who grow rubies in the soil but do not get enough value for their crops… All such common people should not only be provided with the basic needs of food, cloth and shade… their lives should be cultivated with development programs. The ideology of Telugu Desam is that even the poor should be freed from poverty by providing better and healthy living facilities… education, job and employment opportunities.
Even after decades of independence, social security is lacking for the small numbers, Harijans, tribals, backward classes who are being undermined by the wealthy and caste egoists.
Although almost half of the population is not able to get equal rights…for women who are drowning in barbaric traditions like dowry and social evils and are being crushed by humiliation…for women who are subjugating to economic freedom or male pride…
To provide independent life to all of them… To provide economic support and empowerment for equal status in the society… To provide equal opportunities in the fields of education, job and employment… To give place to political representation… Theory of Telugu Desam. Moreover, providing protection to the bardungs and women from rapes, murders and attacks, enabling them to live fearlessly and grow freely is the ultimate goal of Telugu Desam.
Self-respect and self-confidence for Telugu people:
Telugudesam is not a party but a great movement. Telugu Desam is the rage born from the anguish of the Telugu people at a stage where the self-esteem of the Telugu people is being humiliated. Telugudesam theory is to bring continental fame to the Telugu land while serving the Telugu people. The idea of Telugudesam is to make every Telugu person capable in every way. Telugu Desam Party has taken it as its moral responsibility to increase the pride of the Telugu soil, preserve the Telugu culture and traditions… to pass on that great heritage to the coming generations.
Protection of Democracy – Respect for People’s Rights:
Telugudesam considers democracy as a unique way of life and a gift that humanity has made and achieved in the course of historical evolution. It is the sacred duty of the Telugu Desam Party to protect the democracy… to protect the constitutional rights of the people.